Shayne Blogs

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Shayne Blogs

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August Goals [The Final Goals]

I went into this year thinking that I could center in on one goal. Little did I know that doing that went against one of my own philosophies. That is, I don't believe in boxing myself in. Goals, in hindsight, are great. However, for someone like me who's a bit indecisive and all over the place, they make me feel limited.

I like being able to shift my focus. And so, here are my last and final goals that I will document for the world to see.

July 2015 Goals Recap

I slacked off in July, goals-wise. I did accomplish the goal of immersing myself in Chinese culture and the entire experience of it all. However, staying connected proved to be a challenge bigger than what I had set my mind on. Internet isn't so great in China, well at least the Greater Beijing area, as I came to find. Because of that, I couldn't blog. Okay, well, that's an excuse actually. I found that two of my goals contradicted each other. If I were to immerse myself in the experience, how was I going to do that if I thought about documenting it 24/7 for a blog? I would be "experiencing" it but looking for ways to make it more entertaining and appealing for others. Which, goes against what I intend on with blogging about my life in general. This leads to my final goal in this entire "Monthly Goals" series that I love and loathe at the same time.

The Final Goals

It took me a while to post this month's goals. I was going back and forth with it. I didn't know if I just would stop this "Monthly Goals" series without a word. But, if you've read this blog for a bit now, I try to be as transparent as possible. So even if we're almost halfway through August, I'm posting this and writing from up top.

I think real, true personal blogging is dead. Not just dying, but dead. There are some blogs out there that refute my claims, but such are a rare breed of blogger. When I went into blogging again, I wanted everything to be a time capsule of my life in that moment -- as I freshly remembered the moments that had just become the past. Looking back on some of my entries, I don't know how I'm going to see everything as a time capsule if who I'm blogging for isn't for myself. So, with that, my final goals are to revive the exact motivation for blogging. This is not a lifestyle blog. This is my life in a blog. 

The only reason, as I see it, that I don't blog often is because I'm always trying to figure out what content to put out there. That's not why I blog, and that's actually quite suffocating. I think, for the most part, if someone wants to read my blog they'll have to see who I am completely. From now on, this entire blog will be personal, 100%. No series. No link-ups (ahhh I know, it was hard for me to do this). If I gain a readership, cool. If not, I'm still doing this for myself. And hopefully, when that time comes that I don't think blogging is my "thing" anymore, then I can look back at this part of my life's experiences completely with a smile.

Now, hopefully, I'll blog more often about my daily life rather than trying to catch up and fit into the same mold. At any rate, thank you for sticking around! :)


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